App\Models\GiftCollection {#2324 #table: "gift_collections" #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "id" ] #with: array:1 [ 0 => "gifts" ] +cloneable_relations: array:2 [ 0 => "gifts" 1 => "promoGifts" ] #revisionFormattedFieldNames: array:6 [ "title" => "Название" "description" => "Описание" "is_active" => "Активация" "picture" => "Изображение" "short_description" => "Короткий текст" "created_at" => "Дата создания" ] #revisionFormattedFields: array:3 [ 1 => "string:<strong>%s</strong>" "public" => "boolean:No|Yes" "deleted_at" => "isEmpty:Active|Deleted" ] #revisionCleanup: true #revisionCreationsEnabled: true #revisionEnabled: true #historyLimit: 500 #connection: "mysql" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #withCount: [] #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #attributes: array:19 [ "id" => 112 "title" => "Гігабайти Інтернета ЧП" "title_ru" => "Гигабайты Интернета" "title_en" => "Gigabytes of Internet" "people_type" => "private" "payment_type" => "prepayment" "picture" => "/storage/editor/fotos/fd5cbaccf8c74e4f69d3915fb06b2e25_1597917781.jpeg" "picture_mobile" => "/storage/editor/fotos/6934f016a2896509e16c05ac64b775a3_1593521398.svg" "created_at" => "2020-11-25 23:32:42" "updated_at" => "2022-11-20 12:13:26" "priority" => 0 "color_mobile_aside" => "#e60000" "is_active" => 1 "is_open" => 0 "picture_ru" => "" "picture_en" => "" "picture_mobile_ru" => "" "picture_mobile_en" => "" "is_promo" => 1 ] #original: array:19 [ "id" => 112 "title" => "Гігабайти Інтернета ЧП" "title_ru" => "Гигабайты Интернета" "title_en" => "Gigabytes of Internet" "people_type" => "private" "payment_type" => "prepayment" "picture" => "/storage/editor/fotos/fd5cbaccf8c74e4f69d3915fb06b2e25_1597917781.jpeg" "picture_mobile" => "/storage/editor/fotos/6934f016a2896509e16c05ac64b775a3_1593521398.svg" "created_at" => "2020-11-25 23:32:42" "updated_at" => "2022-11-20 12:13:26" "priority" => 0 "color_mobile_aside" => "#e60000" "is_active" => 1 "is_open" => 0 "picture_ru" => "" "picture_en" => "" "picture_mobile_ru" => "" "picture_mobile_en" => "" "is_promo" => 1 ] #changes: [] #casts: [] #classCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:1 [ "gifts" => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1851 #items: [] } ] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] -originalData: [] -updatedData: [] -updating: false -dontKeep: [] -doKeep: [] #dirtyData: [] }